Project Data Fields in Runn

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Project data is any information that has been recorded, collected and stored on an individual project. It may include a project plan, budget, timeline, and resources.

Gathering and managing project data can help improve efficiency, quality and delivery of projects on time. Complete and accurate project data can be useful for presenting a clear picture of the project’s accomplishments, but also helps with other aspects of the project such as the management of changes, defect resolution, and schedule updates.

A well-designed project management tool that is easily accessible and centrally located across all platforms can enhance your ability to collect information, organize and analyze data to make informed decisions. It can also eliminate errors duplicates, omissions and other errors. For instance, with Runn you can set up the same fields for tracking Project timelines, status of projects and resource usage in all of your online platforms. This lets you compare data and performance across different platforms over some time.

You can create eight different types of Data Fields using the Project Data Fields Tool in Runn. The most common are List and Check. List-type data fields allow users to pick a value from an array of options and can be used to color Tasksbars. They can also be useful for reporting Project progress if the Data Field labels are updated continuously. Check-type Data Fields are helpful to determine if a Task has been completed or not. By checking the Required box you can make certain Data Fields mandatory for all Users.